(Large image here)
Basically, you write blog entries in the language you are learning, and native speakers of that language will correct them for you. You, in turn, correct the entries for people learning English (Which can be addicting on it's own! (I love seeing the funny word phrases that people can come up when they are learning English.)
On your profile page you can see a list of your friend's recent entries, other entries in English awaiting correction, corrections you've left for others, and more. It is customizable, so you can keep track of only the things you care about. (I don't really want to watch all new entries, or those left in the language I am learning, for example)
(Large image here)
When I signed up, I was not really expecting to post in Japanese, I was looking for a place where I could ask for help translating harder words and sentences. I had just finished learning the kanji, but not yet had time to learn which kanji were used for the vocabulary I'd already learned. I tried writing a few sentences, partially because I felt obligated, and I realized that I was actually able to do it after all.
I've been studying a lot of grammar and vocabulary since then, and now it is pretty fun to try to put together sentences. And exhausting! I get through about 5-7 sentences and I am wore out. Here's a little section from my latest entry (I also write the sentences in English underneath, in case there is some word where I am really off base) ~
One day I need to do the same thing with speaking and listening, but I definitely don't feel ready for that yet. I don't know that I'll every *really* feel ready, but this site has at least taught me the importance of trying.
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