Forgive me for pulling out a picture from last year, but I promise to snap some new shots soon.
I hope everyone enjoyed a lovely holiday week! We visited both sets of my grandparents and I think I've finally recovered from the birthday & Thanksgiving gorging (both of us had a birthday last week & got to pick a restaurant). This weekend Justin and I were clutching our bellies and crying for salad.
I am *so* ready for Christmas this year, and have already spent a week with Christmas movies. The (tiny) tree is up & decorated, and we are constantly having to keep guard with a water squirt bottle because Indy is obsessed with chewing on the fake tree's needles/leaves. We have this problem every year, but he get's over it after a week or so (or maybe he just learns to chew when we are sleeping?)
I think it has been two weeks since I've gotten any printing done. Partially because I ran out of fabric, and the busy holiday week didn't help, but today I was able to print off some more owls in red on white. I love that printing with the same colors means I don't have to re-photo & edit everything for the Etsy listing, but it does make me sad to not have any new pics to share on here. I do have some new color combos and some new crafts coming up soon though!
So much going on lately, I'm sure I've forgotten something!
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