I am now at 17 weeks, about a week shy of 4 months. The last two weeks I was mostly plagued by dizziness (your veins expand in order to carry more blood, but since your body hasn't made it yet, you end up with super low blood pressure & a dizzy head). The doctor spoke of week 17 as this magical time when you start to feel better & are more energetic (at least until the 3rd trimester, when you have other problems & pains), and considering I was able to go grocery shopping & do the dishes without having to sit down for once, I am believing it!
A question for you girls in the know ~
how many sheets are we going to need for the crib? Is that something that is going to be spit up on & needed to change every day, or changed more like normal sheets? Do you need back up bumpers? (I've realized the bedding pattern is the only baby/nursery thing I'm picky about)
3 more weeks until we know the gender...
Screen Printing Update ~
I have been printing a little lately, but it is slow going. The owl screen is so bad that I usually have to spend an hour+ doing touch-ups on every print. Really not worth my time, but I keep printing a little here & there just to have something show up in the shop occasionally.
I just ordered a new brand of emulsion and am going to give burning the screens a go again. It will be a few weeks before that arrives & we are able to re-cover my current screens ~ everything is so pricey! I'm planning on burning a non-owl print or two first, I don't want to deal with those delicate lines to start out with. There is a good chance I will be also thickening up the thinnest lines on the owls, just slightly, to help keep the print clean in the future. As much as I hate burning screens, I really think I can get a cleaner image than I got from the shop I paid to do it last time (and I paid $50!) ~ keeping my fingers crossed!!
I think that is it for my updates, unless there is something you've been curious about?
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