We actually rearranged the furniture recently, pulling the desk out of my workroom and into the living room. I haven't seen him on my wheels since then, but I think that has more to do with the warming temperatures (though he still enjoys the electric blanket at night). We talked about moving the desk out to make room for the crib in the future, and I got so excited by the prospect of being able to use the *good* computer in the evenings, that we went ahead and made the change. (The 'bad' computer being our laptop, which takes 25 minutes to go from off to online ~ I've timed it)
And it has certainly come in handy this week! For the last three weeks I have been bombarded with orders ~ a nice change after a slow year. Last night I worked all the way up until bedtime on ambigrams & emails, trying to make sure everything due at the end of the week gets done in time, and will probably spend most of tonight doing the same. But after that, I think everything will be back to a nice, manageable level, at least for now!
We have put aside some of that money to re-cover my screens, and with emulsion already on the way, there may be new fabric patterns in the near future. Let's hope the image burning goes mmmuuucchhh smoother than last time! If I ever have any spare work hours to try it, that is...
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