At 10 and 20 (out of 40 weeks, give or take) I was like "what, that's all?", but 30 scares me a bit. 30 feels like it's actually coming soon.
I've spent a lot of time refining online registries the last few weeks, reading reviews & making sure everything from the 'essentials list' was either in the 'have', 'registered for', or 'to buy' categories. That last category was a bit overwhelming at first, but we were able to knock out most of it quicker than expected.
One thing I knew I wanted to buy was a sling. While I love the print on this one, I just couldn't bring myself to have someone else pay $60 for a folded piece of fabric! (At least that one is a little adjustable ~ many weren't). I found this one on clearance for $20, though it was another $10 for shipping. Boo! Still ~ half price! I was very nervous about the fit, since my shoulder to hip measurement was 4 sizes larger than where my clothing size & weight fell on their chart, and it was not something that could be returned for a larger size (which were also a lot harder to find). I tried it on, and it seemed to match all of the fit criteria they mentioned, but it felt a little higher than I was expecting so I wasn't sure.
Right about that time Indy hopped up into my lap, so.... into the sling he went! He seemed pretty comfy after the initials shock (purring away with legs sticking in every direction), and considering I'm very pregnant & he is twice the size of a newborn, I'd say we are good to go!
I then bought my first item from Craiglist! I found a really nice Graco brand infant seat/carrier for $25 (like this one, but in gray & light blue). We already have a larger car seat that I think can also be turned around & used for infants, but then I realized that those carriers are always part of a car-seat set, & we knew we wanted to have one of those. The pick-up was in the same city as the nearest BabiesRUS, so we walked ourselves to exhaustion replacing some of the 'online only' items from my registry with things that could be found in the store. Target is next.
May is going to be a bit crazy with two holidays, three baby classes, & talks of showers. (And Justin is finishing up the school year & two graduate classes in the midst of it!) Once we registered for the two free classes & paid $50 to register for the 3rd, I was feeling pretty good about our quickly diminishing 'to buy' list. That is... until I started looking back at my cloth diapers research. :( I was so excited to be able to register for a few brands & get that off my mind a while ago, but then I realized that they were all 'online only', all fitted sizes (not adjustable), and not really the type I wanted to use. Considering the waterproof covers are each about $15-20, with more cost added from the actual diapers or inserts, the expense list just jumped up again. I know they will be cheaper than disposables in the long run, but it is a step back from feeling 'prepared'.
The crib and changing table still remain unpainted and un-assembled. We've been too busy to tackle that one yet, and have not been able to agree on colors. At least the curtains are made! But not hung yet.... My old workroom is a giant pile of clothing & supplies, and Indy has set up camp in what I like to call "Fort Walker".
Today we are going in for another sonogram, and next week I'll hit 7 months, so I should have some more pics soon!
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