Last week I...
♦ Lined a shelf with fabric panels! I'd wanted to do this every since I pinned this (apparently '39 weeks ago', haha). I did not really go back & read the post to follow any directions since it's so simple. Why did it take me so long again?
Here is the shelf I wanted to cover, in our guestroom bath. The cut-outs would be cute in a kids/teens room, but seem too young otherwise. They also distract a lot from the items on the shelf (which are not that amazing, but we just used anything the right size & color we had on hand) ~
Then I measured the back of each shelf and cut cardboard to size. Luckily they were all the exact same height! For these you do not want to cut them too snug because the fabric will also add some thickness around the edges.
I covered each cardboard piece with fabric scraps that I had been saving from when I hemmed the curtains for the same room. (We could not find any the right height so I just had to shorten them a little) Unfortunately I had to seam rip the hem out first & steam them a bit, but it was not too bad. I glued along the back only, folding in the corners and letting them dry with some cheap clips.
And here is the finished shelf! Aside from the knick-knacks it's looking pretty good, haha.
♦ Measured the shelves of the new white cabinet (master bath) to buy some totes/bins for organization. I also put away the rest of the stuff we had sitting around in moving boxes ~ there is so much more room in there now!
♦ Used Goo Gone on our old coffee table, which has become our new TV stand. The front two corners used to have safety pads to protect our little guy (who previously busted his head on them and had to get stitches!), but they've since fallen off and left dirty residue from the tape. It won't be too long before we'll have to get some new tape and stick them on for the new baby, but at least now I know how easy it is to clean off afterward!
♦ Started working on a new black-out panel for Orson's window. The liner we bought was not blocking out enough light since it is on a curtain rod & away from the window, so after many elaborate plans on how to block the sides better (velcro, magnets, foam noodles even!) I decided to just sew a fabric panel to fit on the inside of the window frame, up against the window. I measured his window & the nursery window and checked my stash of corduroy fabric downstairs. I had some just large enough to cover both! I cut the fabric to size and will sew them this week.
♦ The day Orson's new dresser was arriving I moved the changing table (and the shelf & trashcan we keep beside it) into the nursery. Poor Orson was very upset, trying to carry the trashcan back to his room & arguing with me that I needed to put everything back, but he finally calmed down. He was very excited to 'help' daddy put the dresser together that night and had fun filling it up & arranging toys on the top.
♦ Moved the main camera for Orson's room, hanging it up high on the other side of the room. We have a 2nd camera in there temporarily that will be for the baby's room later. I also adjusted that one a little so now we can almost see his whole room ~ I'll be sad to give that one up!
♦ Rounded up all of Orson's too-small clothes since he's officially up a size now. Haven't had a chance to sort them yet, but at least they are all in once place!
♦ Signed up again for the hospital tour. (We were supposed to go last weekend but I was feeling too sick from the insane pollen levels)
♦ Started sorting away my craft supplies in the basement into our new big shelves! I worked down there two different days, about 45 minutes each time, and made some real progress. (Unfortunately I've got to leave it alone now until after the baby arrives.)
♦ Started doing some major planning when we found out the baby might arrive so early ~ making lists for our hospital bag, contacting people who might be able to watch Orson during the delivery, etc.
♦ Got the newborn/infant boxes out of the nursery closet & arranged the blankets, hats, etc. on the changing table shelving. I was waiting to do this until after the shower, but wanted to have some stuff accessible so we can pack a hospital bag now, just in case!
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