I didn't want to say much about it online until I had more info about the movie release or some screenshots or something, and all I knew is the movie was supposed to come out in 2012. Throughout the year I'd check back, never really finding more info, other than the fact it was shown at some film festivals.
After scouring the internet for pictures, the best shot I was able to find was this one of Julianne out on the town with her tattoos still on. You can see the circle on her left wrist.
At the beginning of 2012 I was contacted by the same artist to create a design for the Showtime show The Big C. The 'tattoo' would be for the main character, and part of the plotline, but after some sketching we found that the people in charge wanted something very simple and I suggested that the C from their logo would be their best bet.
There was another design though, this time for a side character I never got the name for. We created an ambigram cross with the word "Life" (I'm not allowed to show it without permission, so you'll just have to imagine it). We don't have Showtime, so I searched around online for some pictures or info, but without a character name all I was able to find was one small screenshot that *might* be it.
The other day I found that image and started searching again, checking Netflix & Hulu for old episodes. Luckily Showtime had the first episode of season 3 on their site and I found our guy ~ Kirby! 'Arm'ed with a name, I found descriptions of his episodes and screenshots here. These bar shots are a little dark, but you can make out the cross on his arm (episode 3.1 and 3.2) ~
It looks like they kept the ambigram but changed the end caps of the cross. I'll probably be buying those two episodes soon to see the cross on a bigger screen!
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