"Floam" is made up of tiny blue & yellow matte glitter particles, which are basically little specks of color (that are not shiny). The mix of the two colors gives the polish a fun static-y kind of look that is quite unique. For some great close-up pics check out The Polish Aholic.
When I first tried Floam I was a little disappointed. After 3-4 coats I could still nee my nail through the glitter, in spite of other people claiming they only needed 2 for full coverage. I cleaned everything off and started testing a few blues on my nail wheel to use as base colors, but almost all of my polishes are are shimmery. My favorite base was an ancient turquoise cream polish ("Turbulent Blue", brand unknown) which looked great with 2-3 coats of Floam on top. I've been wearing it a week now with no chips!
You may recognize the name "Floam" from this stuff, which inspired the polish. I never had any myself, but definitely remember it from my childhood! The original polish creator does not make Floam anymore, but it is now carried by Ninja Polish (when you can find it in stock). I was able to find this older bottle on a blog sale.
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