I tried it out in the recipe below and it was so good! I was a little unsure how the mix would work work since the soup in the cans is thicker and about 1.25 cups while this makes nearly 2 cups, but the sauce in the finished recipe did not seem unusual and tasted as delicious as ever! The only difference I did notice was a slight peppery flavor from the mix that this recipe does not usually have. Since it's not normally in the soup (and our recipes often call for a certain amount) I think I'll leave it out next time.
► Ritzy Casserole Chicken with Roasted Broccoli (1 dinner + lunches) - Our recipe is similar to this one but I layer 1/2 crackers, chicken, sauce, crackers, and then butter. And of course this time we subbed the "Cream of" soup with the mix above!
► Chicken & Rice Soup with grilled cheese (2 dinners) - I followed the on-the-fly soup recipe I made with leftover turkey after Thanksgiving but used cooked, shredded chicken this time. Very good!
► Chinese Roast Chicken with Coriander Rice with Roasted Green Beans (2 dinners) - Based on this recipe but multiplied enough to make 10 drumsticks. Orson *loves* this recipe!
I also made Chicken Mei Fun for lunches again. I've been slightly tweaking it here & there & it is getting pretty good!
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