♦ Did some Easter crafts with Orson! First we made some sheep by tracing his hand print on black construction paper, cutting it out, and gluing on cotton balls, ears, and google eyes. (They did something similar in church nursery a while ago, just tracing the hand on normal paper, & gluing on cotton balls, not cut out.) I squeezed on the glue & he stuck the cotton balls down.
Then I printed out these bunny shapes from BigActivities.com on colored construction paper (cut down to standard paper size). I cut out the shapes and did the glue again while Orson did all of the placing. Originally I had only printed two, but Orson asked to do another one right away.
♦ Bought Moroccan oil to help my hair's frizziness. Had this recommended forever ago, but did not really look into it until I noticed some coupons. So far... not really impressed. I might notice a slight difference right when I put it on, but no more than a brushing would do, and before long it's back to normal. I'll keep using it for now & hope that it helps over the long term (and it's hard to judge right now, when I've got weird pregnancy hair).
♦ Put together the new red cabinet and re-arranged our kitchen shelves, pulling out items to store in there. I searched many stores online looking for some totes/bins to fit on the shelves, but I'm not having much luck. I did discover that our diaper boxes are the perfect size, so I've got everything arranged in those boxes for now (and worse case, I can cover those with fabric if I have to!).
♦ Prepared to hang my nine 8"x10" frames on the wall above the cabinet, which you can see here and here at our old place. I found some large paper, taped it to the wall, marked the center, and then hit a snag.... I can't find the frames anywhere! I've checked the garage & basement, but no luck yet. Hopefully Justin can find them this week.
♦ Bought a travel bed for Orson. He's too long for his play-yard (playpen) now, so we picked this up last minute before staying overnight at a friend's house. Thank goodness he loved the new bed and slept good that night! It was a great price, and it folds up pretty small!
♦ Started my freezer meal experiment. 2 meals down, many to go.
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