► Made the "Cream of" soup mix & tried it in a recipe.
► Tried the multi-purpose cleaner ("Cure-all") I mixed up last week. I did a lot of Googling first to make sure all of the ingredients would be safe to use on counters & then gave the kitchen a good cleaning. I really liked it! There is a slight chemically smell while you are using it (it doesn't linger), but I did leave out the essential oil which would have probably helped with that.
The most impressive thing I noticed ~ normally everything I use to clean our black stove leaves streaky marks behind, but it looked great with this cleaner. Even when I wiped up some spills with water later, it did not leave as many streaks behind. It also easily removed some hard water build-up in the bathroom.
► I also bought the Ace Hardware Stainless Steel cleaner that my aunt recommended for our fridge (she cleans houses, so she knows what she's talking about!) *Finally* I was able to remove all of those grubby fingerprints and the lines that the protective plastic film left behind (it was a brand new fridge). All that is left is the faintest trace of the worst fingerprints, but even if those never come off, I'm a happy camper!
► Got a lot of work done in the nursery! Or should I say the office/sewing room/storage/train table playroom that we are slowly emptying out to make a nursery...
First I went through the last boxes of clothing in Orson's closet and clearly labeled some boxes for his too-big and recently outgrown clothes. There was a giant bag I'd set aside for a future consignment sale, but since we've moved I think it's headed for Goodwill (minus a few pricier items I'll sell or give to friends). Then I went through all of the gender neutral clothing I'd pulled out for the baby girl and sorted it all by size. I was able to fill up separate boxes with each size which are now labeled & in her closet (pic above).
With one trip a day I finally finished moving all of the craft stuff from that room to the basement. Most of the things left in there are larger items that Justin needs to move and/or go through (desk, file cabinet, etc.). Justin and I both worked in there a little this weekend ~ I went through all of the baby 'stuff' and separated it by age (newborn vs. eating solid foods) and reorganized the closet while Justin sorted through old electrical cords and moved out a few big things. There is still a little more to do in there but it is nearly empty!
► Edited the new set of eBay pics (mostly nail plates), figured out prices, and typed up all of the descriptions. Everything in this batch is ready to list this weekend (I like to list things on Saturday).
► Labeled the cords at my desk (computer, printer, etc.) ~ how did those sneak by me before? I didn't notice it until Orson climbed under my desk & out the back chasing our cat and something got unplugged ~ It took me a while to figure out what it went to!
► Typed up a file with all of the numbers on my cell phone. It was an embarrassing hassle when my phone died last time & I lost all of those! I also wrote down Justin's cell # and stuck it in my wallet in case I have an emergency somewhere & and am without my phone. We never use his phone so I definitely don't have that one memorized. (Of course his phone is usually off, or dead, or out of minutes, or left at home when I do try to call him, so I'm not sure how much help that will be!)
► And best of all ~ thanks to the tax return we were finally able to replace our stolen DLSR camera! I bought this red beauty along with the awesome & cheap portrait lens I had before and it all came super quick. I am so excited about all of the new advances & features this one has for the same price we paid a few years ago ~ it even shoots HD video! (Thank goodness you don't have to listen to me whine about the stolen camera anymore!)
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