Monday, January 13, 2014


7 months ago I missed the bottom step of our staircase, tumbled onto the carpet, and broke my big toe. For a while I wasn’t sure if it was broken, and assumed they would just tape my toes together if it was, so it took me a few months to check in with a doctor. X-rays confirmed the break, they did tape my toes together, and she said to follow up with an orthopedic doctor. But she didn’t say *when* to do that, so it was another few months before I looked up a specialist and was given a giant boot to wear until it is fully healed. Fun times!

The boot

So when New Year’s rolled around this year, let’s just say losing weight was not at the top of my resolution list!! (Btw, I wear size 10, so the shoe on the left is not a tiny one!) I did have a few blog goals floating around in my head though...

1) Manicures - I have barely painted my nails since Pandora was born (about a month before the toe break!). Doing so much nail art the last few years has left me incapable of casually slapping on some color, which is so sad! Hopefully I can get back to doing a little of both.

Berry College Football NailsFair Foods ManicureRainbow Brite Sprite NailsPeppermint Nails

2) Finalizing recipes - I have so many recipes lingering in the limbo of my “working on” folder. Some just need a picture, some need a final tweak, but whatever is left to do I just need to finish them up so I can finally share them! I have neglected My Recipe Book for far too long.

Ginger Chicken with PeanutsBaked Spaghetti Casserole, 2Miso Ramen, 1French Dip Crescents

3) Bentos - I got so many fun supplies for Christmas to help me make cute lunches! I can’t wait to share them all with you in the next post. Unfortunately Orson tends to be a grump when it comes to silly foods, so I might just have to make them for myself until he snaps out of it!

Hot Dog Octopus

Any other resolution makers out there? I feel like I'm constantly working through to-do lists and trying to figure out what is top priority, but January always gives me a nice nudge to look at the areas I want to improve.

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