Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sunday: Recent Recipes

This week we tried 2 new recipes, and tried the "Cream of" soup mix substitute in an old favorite ~

Cheeseburger Soup

Cheeseburger Soup (2 dinners, pictured above) - This was *really* good, but a bit too rich (and in no way good for you). Next time I will probably use ground turkey in place of the beef and mix the flour with water instead of butter (which will cut out 3 Tbsp. of butter!). I may also use shredded cheddar in place of Velveeta because I'm not a big fan of the taste.

Salt & Pepper Shrimp Rice Noodle Bowl (1/2 recipe for 1 dinner) - Not bad, but not really what I was expecting. The sauce was like a light citrusy vinaigrette, while I prefer something a little thicker & sweeter. I did like the way everything was layered though, so I may try a new sauce if we make it again. As for this time, we made a few minor changes (dried herbs instead of fresh, red pepper flakes in place of chiles), and Justin has banned fish sauce from our house after a few bottles leaked (fish sauce smells like... I can't say that here).

Chicken Merriam with roasted kale (2 dinners) - Once again we used the "Cream of" soup substitute & noticed no difference! Now I need to make up a bigger batch of it.

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